I am HERE! Wow. its been a few weeks as well. It's been great and soo busy. I would have never predicted this boom based on my last trip in 1998.
The IT buzz is everywhere. The converstaions are amazing, those involved with IT are keeping US hours, chatting about conversations with US clients, telling hilarious stories about call center customers. Ex: "OK ma'am, please open the next window (on you computer screen) , people get up to open the window in the room."
The food of course has been amazing, all fresh home cooked and just beautiful.
I'll start the blog with a road sign, in Hindi English. There are so many photos and stories to come, so stay tuned.
So much more to come.
Hi Amanda
The road sign is actually in English and Marathi and not hindi :)
Flickr Pune
Amod Mulay (Maverick)
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