Chase Jarvis, Rachel Walley and Patrick Bennett chat about their blogs.
Chase Jarvis, Rachel Walley and Patrick Bennett chat about their blogs. Went to an ASMP event last night. For me it was the best ASMP meeting ever. Patrick and Chase have successful blogs, they live here in Seattle, talked about how simple it is to just sit and blog, and what it is doing for them now. Simple. Simple is also creating their personality on web. My friend Rob talk talked about it too, this idea of cult of personality. These photographers are totally passionate about what they do. First off they are photographers (cool job). They are also 'mavericks' in a way. They just do things. When you hang around them you can feel the fire in them, be it blunt hitting you over the head (Chase) or humble and also unstoppable (Patrick). They are driven, passionate, adventurous, smart and also pretty approachable. Rachel is a writing and blogging consultant. Huh? Blogs are free..? Sounds like we'll know .. but she'll be too slammed to answer... in a few years if that.
I decided to blog about my India trip and also leading up to it. Thanks ASMP, a light went off in my head and I caught some of that fire. I think my friends at the bar afterwards were little annoyed with me cuz i was so inspired that and totally focused on what to do with this. I think they just wanted to catch up....But they love me and know how I get. Thanks panel, and sorry table! Say tuned.
Amanda: Thanks for the kind words.
What you say in regards to my approach and Patrick's approach may be true, but just so you know - I see potential for all those things: passion, maverick-ism, bluntness, subtlty, etc in YOUR blog - especially regarding your upcoming India adventure.
Go on, be bold, have fun. Inertia for blogging about India will grow and flourish. Whether you think you can, or can't, you're right!
Best of luck!! Chase
Hi Amanda,
Glad to see you're blogging about stuff you have experienced recently.
Yes, blogs are usually free. I'm a blogging coach for small businesses--people who want to use the power of blogging to connect with their potential customers and build a community around their product or service niche.
Just fyi. :)
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