Trip to Rajesthan, India!!
WHY? I have been asked countless times to lead one based on my intimate, international documentary work and adventures. 2nd, I am collaborating with Colonal Singh, whose family has lived in Rajasthan for centuries. 3rd, we will visit an NGO “Vatsalya” that works with women’s microfinance and Indian street children, have a chance to lend a hand and share from our experience. The goal of that visit is to learn about the extraordinary work of Vatsalya, make photographs, stories, articles, and create relationships. We will share any content we create (ex. photographs, articles, dance, etc.) with Vastalya for their website, newsletters, children activities etc. The group will also disseminate this material back in the USA as various forms of media and arts advocacy. If we are photographers, we can make photographs of children who need sponsorship, make photos for their website, if we are writers, we can chat with someone about their experiences and write a story about it, if we are doctors we can bring extra aspirin, teachers can tell their students of their experience, dancers can teach a new form of expression,etc...
We will also see villages and farms, spend time with families, go on a desert trek, visit market places, attend yoga classes, take cooking lessons (local cuisine), learn about Ayurvedic Medicine, and also enjoy some down time. I will be available for photo questions, ideas, technical issues, etc. There will be lots of opportunity for photography, writing, walking, listing, thinking....
INDIAN COLLABORATION: Colonel Singh and I are working together to make this a very custom adventure. It is an honor that he is involved and believes wholeheartedly in this workshop. Colonel K. Fateh Singh is a retired NATO commander who served during two Indo-Pakistan wars and other various conflict zones including the Middle East. He currently resides in Jaipur, proudly employs Hindus and Muslims at his family run hotels where we will stay, and they are first class hosts. He and his family are Rajput, a tribe that descends from the ancient Indian royal warrior dynasties with deep roots to Rajputana, now known as Rajasthan since India’s independence. Basically, he really knows this region.
LOGISTICS: Cost: $3200, double occupancy. Add $150 for singles. $500 deposit is required by 6/15, balance 7/1. Cost includes: RT airport reception/transfers, taxes, all transportation in-country (AC Innova Toyota Vehicle), all lodging, breakfast and 1 major meal, camel safari in the Thar Desert. Not included: tips, personal laundry, drinks (soft and hard), airfare, vaccinations, visas, travel insurance (required), personal first aid kit, spending money. See “India Workshop Logistics” page to learn more about logistical details.
Send your deposit / balance to : (check made out to) Amanda Koster Productions, LLC, 5047 45 Ave. S Seattle, WA 98118 USA
(206) 286-9707
Cut off: June 15. Deposits are fully refundable up to July, balance is due 7/1. 6 people are confirmed as of 6/10/07. To keep the trip intimate, authentic and focused, there is a maximum of 8 people.
more info:
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